Stay the Course - Appeal to Heaven!

My fellow Patriots,

Speaker Johnson said it best, today is a "shameful day in American history."

The sham verdict this evening from the lawfare "trial" conducted by a very conflicted judge has placed a forever stain on our rule of law. The Democrat party and Joe Biden have launched a full attack on President Donald J. Trump, his family, the American people and our great Nation and her beautiful Constitution.

While I am deeply saddened that my own young children live in Country with individuals that thirst to destroy the freedom my father and his brothers and sisters in arms fought so bravely to protect on a foreign soil, I am blessed by the Lord above to find some encouragement in knowing a sleeping giant is waking.

Just this evening alone I have heard from many swing voters, who after hearing the news of this sham conviction of our great President, drew their lines in the sand and now stand, firmly, with us for President Donald J. Trump.

There have been reports that within the hour following this banana republic trial that President Trump's donation page was so bogged down with donors, it literally crashed. The Democrats and crooked sleepy Joe are shaking in their boots!

The Appeal to Heaven Flag comes from John Locke's "Second Treatise on Civil Government". Locke's writing was popular among colonial leaders during the American Revolution and the flag was adopted as a reminder that the colonists would never surrender to the oppression coming from the English tyrant King George III and his monarchy. It served as a symbol that they would rely completely on God and His sovereign power in their fight for justice and the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Appeal to Heaven flag stands today as it did then, as a symbol of our resilience as great and free American citizens. For we are a people guided by our moral compass and our fixed commitment to the highest and most noble cause; a more perfect union of one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Let me encourage you, my fellow patriots, do not be deterred by what happened today. But let today determine you even further than yesterday to "stay the course" in our fight for our God-given inalienable rights of freedom, liberty and justice.

Appeal to Heaven, beloved Patriots. Stay the Course!

Stay the course with me and our great Republican Party as we march onward to great victory in November when the REAL verdict of WE THE PEOPLE will be made when we stand united as a nation and elect Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of this, our great United States of America!

Yours in Conservative Service,
Virginia A. Wasserberg
Pasquotank Republican Party, Chairman