
The Precinct Committee

The Precinct Committee is the most important part of the Pasquotank Republican Party and is the essential grassroots of our organization. The Precinct Committee represents the Republican voters in their neighborhood and is a fun and effective way for Republicans to connect with each other in their neighborhoods and community. In Pasquotank County there are nine (9) precincts. Each of our Precinct Committees have officers including the Precinct Chair. Please reach out to your Precinct Chair to connect to them and learn more about how you can be involved in your Pasquotank Republican Party to get and KEEP Republicans elected to office!

What is my Precinct?

Your precinct was assigned to you when you registered to vote. You can locate your precinct on your voter registration card, or you can look it up on the NC Voter Search by clicking here: Voter Search (

Who is my Precinct Chair and how do I contact them?

Your Pasquotank Republican Party Precinct Chairs are listed below. Please click on their name to send them an email and reach out to them!

What opportunities are there for me in my precinct?

  • Identifying Voters
  • Registering Voters
  • Informing Voters
  • Get-Out-The-Vote
  • Election Officials
  • Election Judges
  • Paid Poll Workers
  • Election Poll Observers
  • Election Day Runners
  • Many, MANY MORE!